Dimensions (HXWXD) mm 96X96, 72X72
Power Supply 90-270V AC/DC, SMPS
Display Upper display 4-digit
Lower display 4-digit
Input J (0 to 400 ˚C)
K (0 to 1200 ˚C) Thermocouple
R (0 to 1600 ˚C)
PT-100 2W/3W (0 TO 400˚C)
0.0to 199.9 ˚C RTD
-50.0 to 199 ˚C
Output Relay*---- 230V AC, 5A (1C/O or 2C/O)
SSR/BUZZER ----12V DC Approx
Relay Action Heating or Cooling mode
Control Action Time Proportional (TP) Selectable,
Autotune PID
Indication LED
Accuracy ± 0.5% of FSD
Resolution 1˚C / 0.1 ˚C (For Range Less than 400 ˚C)
Dimensions (HXWXD) mm 48x48
Power Supply 90-270V AC/DC, SMPS
Display Upper display 4-digit (Red)
Lower display 4-digit (Green)
Input J (0 to 400 ˚C)
K (0 to 1200 ˚C) Thermocouple
R (0 to 1600 ˚C)
PT-100 2W/3W (0 TO 400˚C)
0.0 to 199.9 ˚C RTD
-50.0 to 199 ˚C
Output Relay*---- 230V AC, 5A (1C/O or 2C/O)
SSR/BUZZER ----12V DC Approx
Relay Action Heating or Cooling mode
Control Action Time Proportional (TP) Selectable,
Autotune PID
Indication LED
Accuracy ± 0.5% of FSD
Resolution 1˚C / 0.1 ˚C (For Range Less than 400 ˚C)
Multispan ,